solutions.hamburg · experten.werkstatt · September 9th, 2016
Thilo-Alexander Ginkel · TG Byte Software GmbH
thilo.ginkel@tgbyte.de · www.tgbyte.de
Founded in 1998, located in Hamburg
Service Range
Software Development & Consulting
Training & Coaching
Looking for freelancers to support us with various projects
Passionate Software Engineer, IT Consultant & Trainer
Software Development & Architecture
Software Development since 1994
Cluster management integrated with Docker Engine
Accessible via the regular Docker CLI
Built on top of SwarmKit (using Raft Consensus Algorithm)
Self-organizing (no dedicated cluster coordinator required)
New "service" concept as an abstraction on top of containers
Multi-host overlay networking
Service Discovery via DNS
Introduced in Docker 1.12
Not to be confused with the standalone Docker Swarm product
Three nodes on Google Compute Engine
Running Docker 1.12.1 in Swarm Mode
Google Cloud load balancing for HTTPS termination and (pseudo-)HA
Thank you!
Docker Consulting & Training